
Temat: Land Rover Discovery 200tdi Wiring Diagram
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Źródło: szkola-gitarowa.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=70178

Temat: Kosovo I Metohija
The province is best known as Kosovo - this name has been the most widely used by maps and gazetteers within Serbia and abroad. The alternative spelling Kossovo was frequently used until the early 20th century and before that, Cassovo or Cassua, an Italianisation of the name. The name Kosovo (pronounced "KOS-so-vo" by Serbs, "ko-SO-va" by Albanians) appears to have its roots in the Slavic word kos which means "blackbird". The root word is widely used as a toponym in Slavic countries and the historical German name for Kosovo Polje, Amselfeld, does indeed mean "field of the blackbird". The name "Kosovo" is itself used in other Slavic countries, appearing in Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Russia (see Kosovo (disambiguation)). All places in the world whose names begin with "Kosov" Kosova (pronounced "ko-SO-vah") is the...
Źródło: cobanovanje.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=171

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